The Ones That REALLY Matter

Sometimes, the discovery of a song leads you to a band or artist that resonates so profoundly with you that you need and want to explore their entire catalogue and uncover everything there is to know about them. This was the case with Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, Haken, Steven Wilson, The Mars Volta, Riverside, Opeth, Frank Zappa, Devin Townsend, Tool, Marillion and of course, with the legendary and quintessential progressive rock band Yes. I fear I’ll never learn all there is to learn about any of these incredible artists, but I’m trying! I knew Pink Floyd and Iron Maiden well before I started the YouTube channel but am still learning and hearing new things. For all these artists I intend to write at length about them, about the journey and about my relationship with their music. As this page becomes populated with clickable links, you’ll be able to discover the band along with me.